Sunday, November 9, 2008

We are not all that important. Have you ever thought of that?

This world we live on... this rock that carries our very existence. It can survive without us. It would thrive without us. Even our best efforts to preserve this world slowly etch away at what life it has. Riddle me this: what are we here for?

I cannot help but feel that there is some reason we are here that no one has thought of. Whether we were put here by some force we cannot fathom or the idea we did evolve from our brethren primates... there is something we are all missing. I know it. We can say all we want that our survival is key. Our reproduction is the only thing the human race is good for is to continue on inventing things that may kill us in the end. Or really... things that are killing us right now. That is the very base of human existence... to survive.

Now that we are alive and we can see that we will be so for an undertermined amount of time... where do we go from here? We accept our education and let that form who we are. Some aim to understand and conquer a subject or two and let that take them through college. What can we say about the so-called "fools" that run from education? I honestly want to say that I think they are on to something but they don't even know it.

People criticize: where are they going with their lives? What benefit are they going to be to the world?

I realize: we only have so much time here. They are only making the most of it... we see it as bad because these "fools" never make the smartest choice with their time! While we push ourselves to get our education like the many before us... what does it give us? It gives us a small place in the world that will somehow support the human race. It gives us support for our survival.

We need those people.

However, I am not one of those people. I will take my education and seek my interests that will benefit my own understanding of this world... this life! When we see the end of our school days (college included) it is safe to say that more than a quarter of our life has been dedicated to learning. Tell me though, what does it apply to?

It will apply to our survival! The basic notion that the human life must continue on no matter the circumstances. We will then run out into world of employment to make money to survive ourselves. We go and find a spouse to continue the legacy of a name. And it is back to work to survive the family! This supports locally, nationally, and eventually globally. The act to keep ourselves alive runs this Pale Blue Dot!

There are plenty of people that don't come to think of time when we live this life of ours. How many days do you come to think that our lives are basically planned out for us? We are born, then educated, apply ourselves to the work force, and then retire and make with what we will the last few years of our lives.

Time is ridiculous. We look it in the face and fear it. We are afraid that we will not fulfill our human instincts as so many others have and will continue to do so. Our survival is key... time is here to make sure we do so.

I want it to stop. I do not know for how long. I just want time to stop. I just want a gap in my life where I can be free to do what I want. I am tired of having to do everything by the book! There is time to educate and learn. There is time to work and survive. I do not want time to survive...

I want time to live!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's one of those nights again where I come upon an idea that seems slightly absurd, but with further provocation of thoughts and a little twisting of the concepts... it works. 

I mean, who really sits down and compares life to possibly the best game ever invented? No... not the Halo series you young ignorant fools. A real game of strategy, speed, and wit. A game that can never truly be beat, only lost. 

The game of Tetris. 

Now my first point is an obvious one. You can't really win at Tetris, it just goes on and on. Just like you can't win at life, you can only prolong the time until that fateful day. Exactly as if you screw up in a game of Tetris all you can do is seemingly try to plan placement of the blocks to keep the most space open and hopefully receive that special piece from above to cure you of that mess that ails you. 

Yet where did I say those fateful blocks come from? Above! We sit and wait, seeing their predetermined shapes on the side of the screen, yet we can't say what they will be used for. And we can't see too many shapes, only our longevity of life show us more of what is ahead. This machine gives up options that we then have to make choices with! Just as a faithful human lets God show them their path to enlightenment. It's quite amazing isn't it? Although the unfaithful recognize a machine programmed with an algorithm that you know is in place to destroy that awesome streak you are on. 

So the machine is either our to get you or guide you on your way. But what have we between the releasing of the block to your control and the moment it stacks itself so faithfully where it should (or most likely shouldn't) be? You sit there so crafting, placing each block next to one another in order to keep it all tight and organized. Nothing can go wrong, it looks perfect. But behold! What is that? 

Here comes one of those damned squares! It's out to ruin everything you have tried so carefully to construct. Any attempts at reasoning with it are futile. It sees every view of yours the same, no matter how hard to try to turn it. Alas you have to make a sacrifice and just put it in a place where it will obstruct a path to something that you see as less important. 

The pieces keep falling. And every single one that falls has a place under that square. For some unknown reason that square cannot be removed by normal means of other pieces. The long strips are way too valuable to be wasted on the removal of a petty square. Our s-shaped blocks are just too unwieldy for proper placement and the l-shaped guys can plug holes that we don't want to sacrifice a long strip to. 

Things are starting to get serious. That square sits there blocking what needs to be done and you can't possibly imagine getting rid of it by means of the pieces that you are given. 

Finally the time comes. Things are stacking up and getting awfully close to the top. You choose to give up what you have and rid yourself of that damned block. A slight sacrifice and a new path has opened up. Before you know it you have been given the chance to start over from the bottom. Everything is clean with the exception of a few remnants, but those aren't a problem. 

The only difference... everything is moving faster. Things beg for a little more attention than you are probably giving them at the moment. Although in due time you will undoubtedly come to a routine that works flawlessly. 

Until fate strikes again with another perfect square...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


The Blog. Derived from the the name "web log" because, well, the human race is lazy. Why bother referring to something with two syllables when we can easily define it with one?

I have been writing for quite some time. I have just never let any of it past my ring of friends. Generally I don't even allow a piece to leave my own desktop unless it reaches the very standards I have set for myself.

I feel that unlike most bloggers, I have a purpose. I am not aiming to record my life story or attempt to make you care about my life and keep returning here. I aim to change the way you see the world around you. I want to write something and know that people will leave this page with at least another way to look at this life we have. I aim to cause thought.

And so I shall.